Now every Chipette taking over New York City needs to have a hold on top places to dine for a
special occasion with a significant "Chip-other" (ok, I admit that's really bad and terribly wrong).
The criteria for a special occasion top place to dine are 1) downtown, as most things uptown are boring and suck 2) place that takes you out of NY and into another dimension 3) great food, not just good, but significant, memorable, tasty.
After coming up with a whole bunch of mod places myself, I came to terms with a few places of which I have the dearest of memories, and which always get me slightly aroused.:
At the top of my list is Blue Ribbon Sushi, on Sullivan bet. Spring and Prince. You could walk into this place with jeans and a scum t-shirt feeling like you got ran over by a bus, but once you're slinking into one of these overwhelming wood booths, you'll sink down and let a deep breath free feeling so sexified that you could possibly orgasm at that very moment. From the deep dark music, the sushi smells mixing, the dim lights mixed with unfocused random spotlights, this place could turn grandma on. Keep it simple with drinks. Order cheap as there aren't really any star wines and prices here are a bit high even for Soho. Indulge yourself in the food, most notably "THE BEST SUSHI I COULD EVER DREAM UP". Go for the waiters suggestions and indulge in the fattiest of toro, because this stuff will literally melt all in your mouth making both of you feel as though the world outside has completely stopped. FYI- they don't take reservations so call ahead to get an estimate, and plan on eating there early.
Next on my list would be Aurora, Soho. Although I would normally suggest Il Buco as the most original Mediterranean subcultures, we decided that the prices for this New Year's Eve there are a little "too special", even for this occasion. Aurora carries a candle to Il Buco's style mimicking the old school Italian trattoria feel with warm lighting and great old weird antiques hanging around. This place's ambiance can transcend visitors into a time capsule where you might as though you have both been drunk from the first sip of champagne...but it's just the feel of the place, the waiters, the charm. This is a place to spoil yourself with bursting combinations of flavors and every last course. Take advantage of seasonal appetizers, take what's in season, share a pasta and a meat entree, get dessert, coffee, and top 'er off with a Grappa digestif to leave your throats and bodies burning, Italian style.
If you're looking for something a little more cosmopolitain/fast-paced head to Ditch Plains on Bedford Street in Greenwich Village. This place screams SEXY. Although it's super low key Chipettes can gratify themselves wearing sexy black dresses, anything low backed or busty at this trendy bar-resto. Their simple menu might be a winner for male Chipmunk friends as it's filled with hearty soul food, classics, fried specials, oysters, and even Chicken Pot Pie. "Pie?!!?"
Smith's, on MacDougal St. above Houston St., has a similar clean, sexy appeal that would also be good for some special occasion, but the menu is a lot more artistic and healthy than Ditch. I wouldn't take Alvin here, but I would suggest the fresh pea soup when they have it.
Last on my list (for today)is Diablo Royale, a place that can spice up anyone's special occasion. It's located in a little nook off of W 4th St and W 10th Street and looks kinda rough, but enchanting. We're talking Mexican food, so don't be surprised to see a very easy normal menu and dishes made with great fresh ingredients, and killer margaritas. It's all for a price slightly higher than you might normally pay for Mexican, but the energy of this place is worth it. The color scheme of reds, oranges, golds and great emerald greens will make you feel vibrant, spicy and ready to take on a New Year. It's decadent, fun, Mexican, if that makes any sense, and every seat is like a nook that really takes you into your own intimate zone.
Now, one last bit of advice, do not plan on taking your significant other out for a drink and dancing at Royal Oak in Williamsburg. Two Chipettes tried that last night and decided that unless you're planning on spending a LOT of time in their amazing, fancy, old school style ladies room, you'll be stuck dancing to some lousy hip hop music, just like you would at any club in any part of town. And, we're not just any old girls.