Sunday, September 28, 2008

Falling for Jessica's Dad.

The more and more I listen to Jessica R's stories about her dad's health food obsession, the more and more I fall in love.  

We took our wine tasting to the streets this weekend after a serious pounding of Dim Sum at Jing Fong palace on Elizabeth Street.  I guess we really took our tasting to the square, Union Square Wines,  which hosts a really widespread and large tasting every Saturday from 2-5pm.  We decided on a wine rating system that just makes sense, SMILEY FACE=good, FROWN FACE=bad.  

After discussing my and Jessica's dad's value of coconut oil in cooking, Jessica and I had the following discussion:
Me:"Your dad and I should date!"
JR:"yeah, except he's still married to my mom" 
Me (in deep contemplation about aforementioned comment):"Well, maybe that's my solution. You grew up learning all of this stuff.  So you know it too.  And you're in NY.  I guess I'll take you. We should date"
JR:"Yeah and we both live in brooklyn, and have out-of-town dudes" 
ME:"A tree grows in Brooklyn.  You're my tree!"  

Jessica and I are obviously soul m8s, but "there's still a lot of unresolved mish mash in the front". 



hronnsa said...

ahahahaha soulm8s! yes!
aw thank you girls this was fab. i wish i were in ny all the time to enjoy your company. and eat jibbly jiggly mango jello. my ab fab wine was the last one on table two - most other ones were "meh"

Chipettestakeny said...

this made me laugh out loud spastically in a coffee shop. and i was sharing a table with two random guys who must have thought i was a schizo.

BS said...

haha. who wrote the chipettes post?